Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cheif Electrical Engineer-W.R., Sh. A K Malhotra releases first issue of coaching monthly newsletter

First issue of कोच खबर , the monthly newsletter of Mumbai Division's coaching branch was inaugurated on 29th June 2010 at Churchgate by Cheif Electrical Engineer -Western Railway Sh.A.K. Malhora and CESE-Western Railway Sh.Ashok Kumar.
The monthly newsletter is focussed mainly upon escorting ACCIs and ACCAs who spend ost of their duty time on line. The contents are:-
.Cases of good and bad troubleshooting.
.Do's and Dont's while troubleshooting.
.Message for staff getting retired this month.
.Information of general use for escorting staff.
.Highlihting technical probelm of the month.
This newsletter could come out only because of immense efforts done by Dy.CMM-MS Sh Sudhir Sharma, and Astt. Printing Manager-MX, Sh Sanjay Patil.

Printed in Rajbhasha, this newsletter will be improved further in content and quality.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Electrical Safety Week-2010

Electrical Safety Week was observed in the coaching branch of Mumbai division from 21st June to 27th June. Following activities were oganised during the week:-
Electrical safety seminar among the staff.
Technical discussion were held emphasising upon importance of correct fuse ratings and MCBs.
Electrical safety slogans were pasted at all places on shop floor and powercars.
Competetion held to detect potential safety hazard in coaches.
Sh.Ramakrishna,ELF-II of Garibrath/Bandra was awarded with cash prize and certificate.